Weight Loss Journey: 3 Easy-to-Make Healthy Summer Salad Recipes

Losing weight can be a difficult task that requires a constant focus on diet and lifestyle.…

cucumber salad:

1. Crackery Cucumber Sablem- It’s winning hearts over inaction! Essential substances are needed in making kriti…

5 Fresh Cucumber Salads for Delicious Summer Meals

With summer comes a variety of fruits and vegetables that make our meals delicious! In the…

Want to know what kind of salad Shruti Haasan eats? Get a glimpse of her high protein meals

From her grunge and trending looks to her weekend binges, Shruti Haasan is one celebrity who…

Viral Recipe: This Easy Creamy Cucumber Salad Revitalizes Our Summer Favorites

Salad is a staple at every meal, especially during the summer months. Crispy fresh vegetables add…