Are You Sitting At Work All Day? 15-30 Minutes Of Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

The study involving 481,688 individuals over a mean follow-up period of 12.8 years found that individuals,…

Sitting Less, Achieving More: 4 Strategies To Cut Screen Time And Boost Productivity At Your Desk Job

In today’s digital age, desk jobs often translate into long hours spent in front of screens.…

Office Exercises: 4 Desk-Friendly Stretches To Avoid Bad Postures And Stay Fit

Do you have a desk job where you spend hours at a stretch, busy with your…

Want to be healthy but have a desk job? 5 quick and easy ways to stay fit

Despite knowing that sitting in a particular position all day can affect our health, most of…

Exasperated American recruiters have themselves to blame too

Executives in the US expecting some respite from a softening labor market—after all, it will be…

Over 40% desk job workers feel tired at work: Survey

Only 41% of those surveyed in the US said they felt tired at the end of…