Embrace the Excitement: Top 5 Events Happening All Over The Country – News18

From vibrant cultural festivals to trendy eateries, join us as we delve into the top happenings…

World Cup boosts temp jobs as cos see consumption jump

New Delhi: E-commerce firms, food delivery platforms and the hospitality companies have stepped up hiring of…

Things to do in Bengaluru

Things to do in Bengaluru

Top AI agents will replace search, shopping sites, says Bill Gates

Last Update: May 23, 2023, 05:51 IST Microsoft founder Bill Gates reacts during a visit with…

events in bangalore

events in bangalore

Bengaluru, this weekend

will be staged Sandhya Kalavidaru performing a Kannada play Mukhwada. The play is written by SV…

The Ultimate Guide to February Events in Delhi and Mumbai

February is a month of enthusiasm and celebration in Delhi and Mumbai. Both cities buzz with…

Front-loaded rate hike reduces need for subsequent action, says RBI deputy governor Patra – Times of India

Mumbai: Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India Michael Petra The further increase in interest rates…

A century ago is not as long as it might seem

They say that a hundred years is a long time, although apparently there is an English…

Major News Events in Karnataka on March 29, 2022

1. Azim Premji University will release key findings from the ‘Bangalore COVID Impact Survey’, looking at…