I.N.D.I.A bloc writes to Facebook, Google CEOs, demands platforms’ neutrality during 2024 Lok Sabha polls

Image Source : PTI (FILE) I.N.D.I.A bloc leaders in Mumbai I.N.D.I.A parties’ letter: On behalf of the…

Mark Zuckerberg shows off his creative side; Learn to sew and 3D print clothes

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, is a firm believer in the saying, “Necessity is the mother…

Zuckerberg: Facebook CEO on what they look for when hiring a person

Mark Zuckerberg One of the most famous Tech CEO. meta – formerly known as Facebook –…

Zuckerberg: Facebook CEO, what he looks for when he hires a person – Times of India

Mark zuckerberg One of the most famous Tech CEO. meta – formerly known as Facebook –…

Facebook planning to change its name: report

social media giant Facebook According to a report in The Verge, Inc. plans to rebrand the…

Zuckerberg: Zuckerberg says claim Facebook profited on security ‘simply not true’ – Times of India

Washington: Facebook CEO Mark zuckerberg The social media giant hit back on Tuesday over claims that…