Cuts that aided budget math

NEW DELHI: A cut in the food and fertilizer subsidy bill in FY25, along with tax…

Gold to rise as safe haven asset amid geopolitical uncertainty; here’s why

Gold is predicted to rise in the near future since it is a safe haven asset,…

Quick edit: The geo-plot is rough

Afghanistan has long been considered such a huge geopolitical prize that the “great game” of controlling…

Russo-Ukraine war dealt brutal blow to global economy: RBI Deputy Governor Michael Petra

The escalation in geopolitical tensions caused by the Russo-Ukraine War dealt a brutal blow to the…

Business deals with India to rescue political career

In many capitals around the world, leaders are adopting a new formula for re-election: meet on…

Ukraine’s Zelensky has shown patience and grace under fire

One can attribute this to the alleged spheres of influence within the realm of geopolitical mumbo-jumbo…

The death of a terrorist: on the death of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraishi

Geopolitical and sectarian faultlines in Iraq and Syria increase IS threat The death of Islamic State…

India’s keywords not so bright in 2022

There are risks that can be both domestic and geopolitical and New Delhi must take care…

The global war on terrorism is going on simultaneously

Despite some temporary setbacks, the broad contours of terrorism remain roughly the same. Two decades after…