Sri Lankan President revokes emergency rules ordinance

Colombo : Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa late Tuesday revoked the Emergency Rule Ordinance, which came…

Finance: Sri Lanka’s new finance minister resigns a day after appointment – Times of India

Colombo: Sri Lanka’s new finance Minister Ali Sabari A day after President Gotabaya resigned on Tuesday…

Parliament: Sri Lankan President refuses to resign; Parliament reconstituted: Major developments – Times of India

new Delhi: Sri Lanka is currently facing an unprecedented Economic Crisis, which has been called “the…

Sri Lanka crisis: President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s proposal is rejected, anti-government incident continues: 10 big things

position of government Colombo: Sri Lanka Crisis: How to deal with the economic crisis. Later president…

Sri Lankan leader offers to share power as protests escalate – Times of India

Colombo: Sri LankaThe crisis-ridden president offered to share power with the opposition on Monday as protests…

Sri Lanka: State of emergency remains even after curfew is lifted – Times of India

Colombo: The 36-hour curfew imposed in Sri Lanka on Saturday evening was lifted at 6 am…

Sri Lanka imposes nationwide social media blackout – Times of India

Colombo: Sri Lanka According to an internet observatory, the government imposed a nationwide social media blackout…

Social media banned in Sri Lanka, curfew due to protests: 10 points

Sri Lanka has declared a state of emergency in the midst of its worst economic crisis…

Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa bans attendance in public places during curfew amid economic crisis

Image Source: PTI Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa bans attendance in public places during curfew Highlight…

Sri Lanka economic crisis: India on reports of sending troops

The Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka has denied reports of the country facing severe economic…