The cost of the world’s most expensive water is about 45 lakh rupees; know more

Last Update: April 26, 2023, 11:01 IST Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani was designed by…

This charcuterie board is taller than a 13-story building

Last Update: April 12, 2023, 19:48 IST The charcuterie board is loaded with a variety of…

US woman breaks Guinness World Record for largest afro

Evin Dugas Sports World’s Biggest Afro. Evin Dugas, a 47-year-old woman from Louisiana who grows the…

Watch: Australian woman breaks Guinness World Record for widest wig at 8 feet

It took two months to mass-produce the hairpiece An Australian woman has broken the Guinness World…

Watch: Canadian Sikh breaks his own record for world’s longest beard

longest beard of a living person When the hair on his chin measured an astonishing 8…

See: Skateboarder fell from a height of 9,022 feet, made a world record

Skateboarder Leticia Bufoni sets a new world record. Skateboarding, which originated in the United States as…

Science University’s Cancer Awareness Program Creates Guinness Record

The deemed university of science, in association with the US-based Grace Cancer Foundation and Collective Power…

Watch: The person with the world’s longest tongue broke another world record

Nick Stoeberl has the longest tongue in the world. a man who wears Guinness World Record…

Japanese company grows heaviest radish, sets Guinness World Record

Growing our own vegetables in our kitchen gardens has become a very common pastime in the…

Watch: A man made a unique world record with table tennis balls and shaving foam

Mr. Linagh used table tennis balls and shaving cream for this record. Guinness World Records There’s…