changing context of caste

The meaning of caste has changed – as a system regulating life chances, as a method…

Watch: Dubai’s Burj Khalifa lit up with the colors of the Indian flag to celebrate Independence Day 2022

Happy Independence Day 2022: The Burj Khalifa in Dubai was lit with the Indian tricolor flag…

so long account

We have divided our thinking, we have divided our feelings. We have become a broken family.…

In a system of heterogeneous federalism, India must remain a mosaic

Heterogeneous federalism will continue to be relevant; Need to accommodate different groups and provide share in…

Independence Day 2022: Here’s how you can enjoy 15th August at home

Happy Independence Day 2022: The pandemic is still not over and Covid-19 cases are on the…

Independence Day 2022: Books Showcasing India’s Freedom Struggle

Happy Independence Day 2022: 15 August is celebrated as Independence Day to commemorate India’s independence from…

Independence Day 2022: Tips to Indulge Yourself in the Colors of Independence on 15th August

Happy Independence Day 2022: Independence Day celebrations are incomplete without dressing up for the occasion. The…

Independence Day 2022: Here’s why PM hoisted the national flag at Red Fort on August 15

Happy Independence Day 2022: India Will celebrate 76th Independence Day on 15th August and Prime Minister…