5 refreshing summer drinks for weight loss (recipes inside)

As the temperature rises, it becomes essential to stay properly hydrated. While it may be tempting…

Heat Wave: 10 Tips To Protect Yourself From Illness Due To Extreme Hot Weather This Summer

Summers are finally here! While it attracts our favorite soft drinks and juicy fruits, it also…

believe it or not! Even 1 soft drink a day can be harmful – know why

There are at least 45 good reasons to avoid fizzy drinks (carbonated drinks), a recent study…

10 Traditional Indian Soft Drinks You Must Try This Summer

At present, the outbreak of heat is in full swing across the country. The temperature is…

Why lemon should be your best friend during summer

Vitamin C present in lemon juice is very beneficial for oral hygiene. (Image: shutterstock) As the…

Chow down on more protein with these 5 delicious veggie smoothies

Due to a sedentary lifestyle and changing eating habits, many of us miss out on vital…

7 Delicious Summer Fruit Smoothies Your Kids Will Love

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy nutritious smoothies packed with fruits that are available in…

6 quick office lunch ideas to make everyday cooking hassle-free

As our daily lives become increasingly busy, it has become all too easy to neglect planning…

5 drinks you should avoid for acne free skin

We all know that what we eat and drink can have a significant impact on our…

Feeling tired all the time? These 5 Drinks May Help

When we feel tired, many of us turn to drinks like coffee or tea to give…