The Risks Of Oral Sex: What You Need To Know About Throat Cancer Risk

Since most people are able to recover completely from HPV infection, very few of them develop…

World Immunization Week 2023: Date, Significance, Theme and All About Immunization

importance of vaccination: World Immunization Week aims to raise awareness of the need to use vaccination…

Is Omicron taking us closer to herd immunity against COVID-19? What do experts say

Is Omicron taking us closer to herd immunity against COVID? Experts say it’s unlikely that the…

Airway cleaning: On quarantine-free entry for passengers

The world must prioritize equitable health care and regain the normalcy of the past What will…

Weak virus? herd immunity? Omicron raises cautious hopes

The virus that causes COVID-19 has proved highly unpredictable, with new versions forcing vaccine manufacturers to…

Health official says Omicron could lead Israel to herd immunity

Jerusalem : Israel could reach herd immunity as the country’s top health official said on Sunday…

omicron: Omicron could lead Israel towards herd immunity, says health official – Times of India

Jerusalem: the boom omicron can see infection Israel reached herd immunityThe country’s top health official said…

a strong recovery

As a born optimist, I consider 2021 to be the year of recovery. The COVID-19 pandemic…

Kerala’s rising COVID-19 cases explained

Concerns that the surge by a massive delta variant, potentially leading to a third India-wide wave,…

A Surface of Sero Surveys

While they are useful in detecting circulating antibodies, repeated sero surveys are costly and redundant. a…