Cyrus Broacha on gay marriage in India and one’s right to choose

Friends, I must congratulate myself for writing this article. Not only because no one else does,…

I design the content of my films, says Malayalam director Krishand

Expectations are high as film director Krishand has two state award winning films to his credit…

Hashtag ‘Mildly Curs Rishi Sunak’ Goes Viral As People Imagine Embarrassing Scenes For UK PM

Rishi Sunak has been in the headlines ever since he became the Prime Minister of the…

You must have a funny bone to appreciate humor, says writer Khirunnisa

Growing up as the youngest of seven siblings, Khirunnisa A says she had to turn to…

Table Talk: Teen Bachchan Women on Air

A Look at the Lives and Minds of the Bachchan Women, New Podcast What the Hell…

Satire Who can stop me from rewriting my history?

According to archaeological evidence, I dug with my own hands, it was one of my ancestors…

Satire Who can stop me from rewriting my history?

According to archaeological evidence, I dug with my own hands, it was one of my ancestors…

what women don’t talk about

Science has failed to figure out how women communicate, which is why outer space is so…

longing for the sky

For me, the biggest blow of Covid has been that it has brutally introduced the solar…

boss says so

It’s a new year and it’s your sign to move on, work hard, and keep working…