Cyrus Broacha on gay marriage in India and one’s right to choose

Friends, I must congratulate myself for writing this article. Not only because no one else does, but also because I suffer from the same problem that all Indian writers in English suffer: it’s too hot. Writing in India should now be accepted as a form of cardio. I warn you that if water scarcity continues at this pace, I will not last even three paragraphs. OK, stop it, it’s not some kind of euphemism. let’s go through my personal pain More acceptable is the general anguish that arises from the question, “Should I be allowed to legally marry a man in India or not”?

Now although the person most curious to see will be my wife Ayesha, (as of yesterday, a fully functional female member of the species), we need to look at this question more from a legal perspective than an ethical one. I would like to begin my defense for same-sex marriage with the words of Chetan Bhagat, India’s second greatest Indian writer in English after Billy Shakespeare.

in his award winning play Maqbool(translated into English as macbeth), he apparently begins with a quote, “Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and troubles his hour on the stage and then no more is heard…”, then He ends the quote with the words ‘ gisco like, (This complete quote is only available in the first original edition.) Maqbool, printed in about 1607). This is the phrase that keys in favor of SSM (same-sex marriage, not to be confused with S&M which is the result of traditional marriage), roughly translated from the original Hindustani, it reads, “for whom, whatever” .

however, ‘ gisco like‘ Sadly, it can also be misused. An example of this was seen in UP in the past when three university-educated, God-fearing humanitarians unknowingly found loaded pistols in their pockets and then accidentally shot dead two largely notorious members of the political establishment and underworld. Granted, those that are found nowadays are usually mistaken for each other. These pious, compassionate, young over-achievers had no choice but to use the ‘. gisco like‘ Defense, to this act of shooting two unarmed, handcuffed men in a clear act of self-defense. In fact, there appears to be a clear case of law in favor of the deceased, these three proposers’ gisco like‘, has become so ‘victimized’ after the incident that he is not even allowed to upload his thoughts on Insta. Perpetuate the idea that we in India are living in a world where ‘insta’ may not actually be a fundamental right?

Another common example of ‘ gisco like‘ Are VIPs blocking traffic while they are being taken to cities. It throws light on the development of gisco like‘ Visit. Here we divide the society into two classes. a range of, to whom‘ is more important than the others. Stand by the cause that’ As‘ will follow. certain citizens gisco like‘ In a civilized, civilized, egalitarian and progressive society you must be conquered. The ‘A’ category includes but is not limited to politicians, gangsters, businessmen, actors, celebrities, religious leaders and mothers-in-law. Of course, if they belong to two or more categories simultaneously, that particular,’ gisco like‘, carries even more weight. For example, if your mother-in-law is also a monk, she goes to the top rank. Please guys this should be the last paragraph.

Oxygen is less and reading will be twice as tiring than writing. However, the verdict goes for SSM, I appeal to all to allow most of the Indian philosophers,’ gisco like‘ to prevail. I mean who wants their child to grow up in a regressive society where a man cannot marry another man? (Though the other man could have initially been a woman who turns out to be a man, but that’s a story for another day). Please join me in sayin’ Long live the one, Now please excuse me, I must take a shower.

The author has dedicated his life to communism. Although only on weekends.