A culture of cohesion to save young lives on campuses

It is distressing to read newspaper reports of young students ending their lives. During the 2018-23…

Indian economy today is open and transparent: FM Sitharaman tells US business community

Last Update: April 12, 2023, 02:14 IST Sitharaman addressed the luncheon meeting of the US-India Strategic…

“Placement trend good”: IIT-Madras amid concerns over mass layoffs

IIT Madras is ranked number one in India. Chennai: Amid reports of job cuts by multinational…

Discrimination in IIT is something to write about

‘Does meritocracy not solely account for the starting points, trajectories, social networks, affluence, prejudices, hardships and…

IIT records highest number of student suicides among top tech institutes. All you need to know

The Union Education Ministry told the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday that premier IITs have recorded the…

Budget 2023 is a case of education taking a hit

The allocation made for education in the Union Budget 2023 reminds one of these lines from…

IIT Hyderabad B.Tech

Last Update: January 31, 2023, 16:40 IST IIT, Hyderabad has launched the country’s first Bachelor in…

JEE-Advanced 2023 date announced. details here

IIT Guwahati on Friday announced that the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced for admission to the…

Autonomy Oils the Wheels of Higher Education Excellence

The pressure on higher educational institutions in India to follow the same, uniform and standardized rules…

This Hindi – and Hindi only – advice is flawed

Policy makers should ensure constitutional provision that Hindi and English shall be the official languages ​​of…