Now travel from Bangalore to Mumbai, Pune in just 7 hours, 699 km long new expressway in the works!

The road trip from Bangalore to Pune, Mumbai is one of the most frequent trips for…

Explained – How GPS based system will replace FASTag and reduce toll tax

To reduce the long waiting times and traffic jams at toll plazas, the Indian government has…

Why our Roads Minister’s statements make us so happy

From time to time, a man in the government says modern things. Then nothing happens, and…

Why Indian cities should make way for cyclists

Cycling on city streets is risky business as stubborn urban challenges keep cycle lanes either non-existent…

Gadkari announces Guinness World Record by NHAI for laying 75 km highway in 105 hours

Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari announced that the 75 km stretch of Amravati-Akola highway in Maharashtra was…

5 Safest Cars in India

Since the dawn of motor vehicles, efforts are being made to make them safe. And they…

Bringing Beauty to Indian Roads: A Personal Mission

I have enough. I declare that I have become a revolutionary activist. I will openly and…