9.3 lakh lives lost to cancer, urging the need for comprehensive health cover

This data on cancer is certainly alarming as it highlights the potential consequences of the cancer…

How to enhance coverage affordability via insurance premium financing?

The data indicates that many people don’t have insurance coverage. One innovative solution to help people…

ACKO and PhonePe collaborate to ensure accessibility of insurance for millions

ACKO General Insurance and PhonePe have collaborated to provide a range of inclusive car and bike…

Should you opt for family health insurance over individual health plans?

Given these apprehensions, it is essential to underscore the significance of possessing comprehensive health insurance coverage.…

Are diabetics eligible for critical illness insurance coverage?

I am 34 years old and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes two years ago. I…

It’s a sham! How to spot the Ulips sold as mutual funds

Many a gullible investor have thus been taken for a ride by advertisements that promote inappropriate…

Can the insurance benefits provided by your ex-employer be retained?

I I will be leaving my current organization in a month and would like to know…

Most Indian employees unaware of health plans, benefits offered: Survey

New Delhi: The coronavirus pandemic has underlined the importance of health insurance among Indians, leading to…

Center discusses insurance coverage for fisheries with stakeholders

The Union Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying recently discussed issues being faced with respect…

Crypto assets could lead to unexpected losses thanks to new forms of insurance coverage

Global reinsurer Swiss Re said in a report that crypto assets could lead to unexpected losses…