Engineering Day: Is engineering losing its luster? Why Young India is moving away from IIT entrance?

After being one of the top choices for Indian youth for decades, engineering as a course…

SC dismisses plea of ​​students on JEE Main 2022 extra effort

The Supreme Court has dismissed a plea by a section of students seeking an additional effort…

JEE Main topper Dheeraj says self study, time management helped him score 100 percentile

Dheeraj Kurukunda, a native of Telangana, is one of the 24 students who have managed to…

JEE Main 2022 AIR 3 says engineering not a safe career option, aim to join civil services

Meet Parth Bhardwaj, who despite scoring 300 marks out of 300 Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main…

Meet JEE Main 2022 toppers, 24 students scored 100 percentile, highest from Telangana

24 students secured rank 1 in JEE Main (Representational Image) JEE Main 2022 results are out.…