Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra: Rahul Gandhi navigates Brahmaputra river on boat| WATCH

Rahul Gandhi crosses the Brahmaputra river on a boat during the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra in…

Assam government to shut down 34 schools due to poor results – details here

New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party-led government in Assam has decided to shut down 34 government…

Assam: The third Covid wave in Assam is expected to peak by the end of January. Guwahati News – Times of India

Guwahati: Third wave of covid I hope to reach the peak Assam An internal assessment by…

5 Northeast capitals tremble as the mercury drops | Guwahati News – Times of India

GUWAHATI: Temperatures dipped by a single digit in five state capitals of the region on Wednesday,…