Reports of ban on media coverage of House proceedings baseless: Kerala Speaker

The Chairman said that under tight security, instructions have been given to strictly check the pass.…

Today’s top news in Kerala

Here are the important developments in Kerala to watch for today: 1. The session of the…

All eyes on Thrikkakar

By-election in Trikkakara Assembly Constituency in Ernakulam district on 31st May The ruling CPI(M)-led LDF in…

Opposition walkout from Kerala Assembly over dispute with Governor

Opposition leaders boycott Kerala Governor’s policy address Thiruvananthapuram: The budget session of the Kerala Legislative Assembly…

Opposition walkout from Kerala Assembly over dispute with Governor

Opposition leaders boycott Kerala Governor’s policy address Thiruvananthapuram: The budget session of the Kerala Legislative Assembly…

Ruling on the issue of Mullaperiyar dam in Kerala Assembly, tussle between opposition members

During the discussion, a war of words broke out in the House regarding Mullaperiyar. (File photo:…

Kerala Assembly pays tribute to flood victims

The House was to meet again from October 25. Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on…

UDF walks out of assembly over Silverline’s “economic and environmental” impracticality

The Congress-led UDF opposition walked out of the assembly, calling the LDF government’s “quixotic” semi-high-speed railway…

Kerala opposition walks out over plus one seat allotment – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: The Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) on Monday walked out of the Kerala Assembly demanding…