‘Till wear a mask…’: What the Maha CM said after lifting the Kovid mandate

Mumbai The Maharashtra government has lifted the COVID-19 restrictions in the state two days back, bringing…

Maharashtra revises COVID restrictions; Salons, gyms to operate with 50% capacity

The Maharashtra government on Sunday revised the restrictions related to coronavirus across the state. Beauty salons…

Maharashtra: New covid rules for hotels, restaurants, cinema halls. read here

Mumbai : Maharashtra state has implemented afresh covid inspired curfew Measures from January 10 The step…

video | Maharashtra bans overnight gatherings, 50% cap for gyms, cinemas

Maharashtra will not allow gatherings of five or more people between 9 pm and 6 am,…

These states have relaxed the Kovid-19 restrictions. check list

With the daily Covid-19 cases declining in the country, several state governments have recently decided to…