4 Millet Recipes That Are Tasty and Healthy

Millets are a group of small seeded grasses that are grown for food and animal feed.…

2023 Is the Year of the Millet, Here’s What It Means for This Traditional Indian Grain

Expanding the diversity of staple grains beyond just wheat and rice can have both nutritional benefits…

Start eating Bajre roti daily, these 6 diseases will always be away from you, just remain like this

Benefits of eating bajra: Antioxidants, dietary fiber, protein and vitamins are found in it. special things…

Importance of millet for kids

Called the ‘miracle grain’ or the ‘crop of the future’, millets can not only grow in…

Bajra-based breakfast buffet is a must-try at Ashoka

Bajra is being recognized not only as a substitute for wheat but also as a superfood…

Food Day as a reminder of ‘Leave no one behind’

Globally, food and nutrition security is becoming increasingly vulnerable to the effects of covid-19 pandemicClimate change,…

To eat the bread of this disease of genes, we are going to be healthy,

Rot to the bones: The bread of this food has works. flour bread : When you…

This Visakhapatnam Breakfast Corner serves up traditional Andhra cuisine filled with millet

Swaraj Naturals puts a spin on traditional breakfast staples like idli and dosa by packing them…

5 Best Places To Get Stuffed Bajra-Based Dishes In Mumbai

Rich in dietary fiber, full-bodied protein and nutritious carbohydrates—there’s little that one millet won’t be packed…

Visakhapatnam’s Latest Bajra Food Destination

Bajra Rasoi combines the spirit and flavor of rural Andhra Pradesh with ragi mudha, bajra noodles…