Navratri 2022: These 5 Navratri-Special Dishes Can Fill You Up With Energy

The festival of Chaitra Navratri is near! This year, the festival will start on 2nd April…

Chaitra Navratri 2022: Date, Time, Significance and fastSpecial foods with recipes

Every year, as spring paves the way for summer, Hindus across the country begin preparations for…

Navratri 2021: Make fast-friendly Dahi Bhalla in 20 minutes

During Navratri, we give up many of our routine food and drink items. Despite this, the…

Navratri 2021: Easy to make in 20 minutes during fasting

Try this Sabudana Bonda Recipe special things The season of Navratri is all about festivals, worship,…

Navratri 2021: Make Delicious Fast-Friendly Sabudana Bonda in 20 Minutes

Navratri 2021: The season of Navratri is all about celebration, worship, fasting and dedicating oneself to…

Navratri 2021: How To Make Shakarkandi Tikki, A Fast-Friendly Snack

Navratri is finally here! As we all know that this nine-day long festival is celebrated by…

7 Potato Recipes for Fasting You Can Easily Make in 30 Minutes

The festival of Navratri has arrived and with it many of us have started our annual…

Navratri 2021: How to make fasting-friendly pumpkin curry for a nutritious meal

Navratri 2021 is finally here! According to the Hindu calendar, this nine-day festival is celebrated annually…

Navratri 2021: 7 Easy Vrat-Special Breakfast Recipes You Can Make at Home

The country is all set to celebrate Sharad Navratri starting from 7th October to 15th October.…

Maha Navami 2021: Date, Timing, Significance and 5 Vrat Friendly Recipes

The much awaited festive season has finally started. As the wind gets nippy and we move…