Omicron fast speeding up, 63 cases in a day in Delhi, 578 cases in 19 so far

Omron Cases in India: New Delhi: New News of Coronavirus (Coronavirus) Cases of Omicron are increasing…

6,531 COVID cases in India, 315 deaths in 24 hours; The number of omicrons increased to 578. Hui

India’s daily Covid-19 cases rose to 6,531 on Monday and 315 deaths were reported in a…

Omicron outbreak: Will elections in five states be postponed? decision possible today

In view of the concerns about the outbreak of Omicron in the country, the Election Commission…

Karnataka announces night curfew for 10 days from Tuesday

Karnataka government announced night curfew for 10 days in the state. Bangalore: Health Minister K Sudhakar…

Coronavirus live updates: 7,189 new cases in India, PM announces booster dose

COVID-19 cases in India: Active cases stand at 77,032. (file) New Delhi: According to the health…

video | Is India ready for a possible third wave?

Amid the Omicron threat, several states have started imposing restrictions again. Night curfew is back in…

video | “No Oxygen Shortage This Time”: Arvind Kejriwal Amid Omicron Alarm

The Delhi government is ready to tackle the Omicron version of coronavirus, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal…

Kerala reports 4 more omicron cases, new version tally now 15

COVID-19: Kerala detected its first Omicron case on December 12. (file) Thiruvananthapuram: Four more new cases…

Omicron Variant Live Updates: Four new cases reported in Gujarat; India’s tally rises to 153

Image Source: PTI A health worker tests passengers for COVID-19 amid fears that the Omicron variant…

“Be prepared for any eventuality”: Ames Chief on Omicron Threat

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) director Dr Randeep Guleria on Sunday said that in…