Omicron Update: Dr VK Paul suggests the most effective steps in the current scenario

Amid concerns over the Omicron version of COVID-19, NITI Aayog member-health, Dr VK Paul on Tuesday…

The first omicron type case in Nagpur brings Maharashtra’s tally to 18. leads to

Image Source: PTI The first omicron type case in Nagpur brings Maharashtra’s tally to 18. leads…

25 omicron cases in India so far, all have mild symptoms, says Center

Union Health Ministry’s Joint Secretary Lav Agarwal said on Friday that a total of 25 cases…

8,503 new Kovid-19 cases and 624 deaths reported in India in last 24 hours

Image Source: PTI 8,503 new Kovid-19 cases and 624 deaths reported in India in last 24…

Coronavirus Live | WHO deploys team to tackle Omicron variant in South Africa

The Indian SARS-COV-2 Genome Consortium (INSACOG), which confirmed the presence of the omicron variant in an…

Over 1.02 lakh coronavirus genome sequences by INSACOG till November 25: Govt

In response to a question in Rajya Sabha, Minister of State in the Ministry of Science…

How India is preparing for Omicron: ‘We learned a lot from the second wave’

India will boost COVID-19 genome sequencing efforts, hoping the early detection of the newly emerged oomicron…