Watch: Man removes big snake from road with bare hands

Some users praised the man’s bravery to move the snake with his bare hands. New Delhi:…

Viral video shows elephants refusing to go till ‘sugarcane tax’ offered

A viral video in which an adult elephant and a calf were seen on camera obstructing…

Netaji’s ‘courageous’ resignation letter to the Indian Civil Service in 1921 went viral

The letter shared by Kaswan is a copy from the National Archives of India. (Credit: Getty…

WATCH: Peacock refuses to leave “longtime partner” after his death

In Rajasthan, a peacock went to the funeral with its dead companion. In a video that…

Watch: Leopard jumps over gate, takes pet dog in horrifying clip

In this horrifying clip, a leopard escapes with a family pet dog. It is a shocking…

Villagers stop harvesting fields to save 5 jungle cat cubs

Five wild cat cubs were reunited with their mother. Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan…

Baby elephant thanks forest officer with ‘trunk hug’ after reuniting with mother

The heart-wrenching picture was shared online by IFS officer Parveen Kaswan on Twitter. (Image: Parveen Kaswan…

See: How not to catch a snake (especially a 14-foot king cobra)

Ashok, who saved the snake, was filmed trying to get the snake out of the bathroom.…