Erdogan urges Russia, Ukraine to ‘end this tragedy’ – Times of India

Istanbul: President of Turkey Risp Tayip Erdogan He urged the Russian and Ukrainian delegations to “end…

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan tests positive for Covid-19 – Times of India

Ankara: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that he has tested positive for Covid-19. Erdogan…

Erdogan: Turkish journalist jailed before trial for Erdogan insults – Times of India

Istanbul: A well-known Turkish journalist has been jailed for insulting the president Risp Tayip Erdogan, said…

Erdogan: Erdogan urges Russia against attacking Ukraine – Times of India

Istanbul: President of Turkey Risp Tayip Erdogan warned on Tuesday Russia against the attack Ukraine, calls…

Former Afghanistan president says he had no choice but to flee Kabul – Times of India

ISLAMABAD: Former Afghanistan President says he has no option but to leave suddenly Kabul In form…

Erdogan: Lira cuts interest rate again in Turkey – Times of India

ISTANBUL: Turkey’s lira took a fresh hit on Thursday after the central bank fired the latest…

Turkey invokes Israel’s ‘sensitivity’ towards Palestinians – Times of India

Ankara: Turkey, Turkish President Risp Tayip Erdogan He has said that he is ready for better…

Turkey’s lira at record low, central bank cuts rates again

Turkey’s currency traded at a record low against the dollar on Thursday as the country’s central…

Turkey opposes COP26 ‘special treatment’ for India – Times of India

New Delhi: Meanwhile Glasgow The Climate Summit, while the focus was clearly on the challenge facing…

Joe Biden bound for global summit as limited domestic agenda – Times of India

Washington: President Joe Biden Promised to show the world that democracy can work to meet the…