केंद्र संग तीसरे दौर की बातचीत भी बेनतीजा, किसानों का आज ‘भारत बंद’; ट्रेड यूनियनों का भी समर्थन

ये भी पढ़ें-किसानों के साथ केंद्रीय मंत्रियों की बातचीत समाप्त, रविवार को फिर होगी बैठक किसानों…

Delhi Police attacks increase in investigation, especially as police officer monitors pregnancy

New Delhi: They are all kinds of north-eastern and north-presenting as they develop as a person…

Rakesh Tikait will leave the dharna site today after the havan; Barricades on Singhu border almost removed

Highlight Tikait can lead victory march to his village Sisauli in Muzaffarnagar Delhi Police has broken…

Tikri will open again after 380 days, after the change will be opened later.

New Delhi: Farmers (opposition of farmers) germs are produced in the field.tikri border With wide open…

Farmers should be happy after being later, the season of dancing and singing

The blockade on the highway has been lifted. New Delhi : In order to keep up…

Victory march of the aircraft today, after 15 struggles ‘winning’ and home

For 15 days onwards, maintain your position. New Delhi : They will change to Air Punjab…

Farmers preparing to return home on Singhu border after a year-long agitation against agricultural laws

Image Source: ANI Farmers preparing to return home on Singhu border after a year-long agitation against…

Farmer’s Channel: A farmer watching on Delhi, .

One year of Kisan Chaal was completed. Training started on this day in 2020. , Plus…

Apart from ink, what is black in agricultural laws: VK Singh

Image Source : File Photo / PTI VK Singh Except for the ink used to write…

In Ghazipur it is spoiled even when it is spoiled

You’ll be polluting the air before agriculture is broadcast after program after program. (photo photo) New…