US overtakes China to become India’s top trading partner

Updated: April 17, 2023, 08:09 PM IST livemint The Indian American…

Additional 1 million tonnes of sugar export possible if domestic production is as per estimates: Govt official

The Food Ministry has allowed the export of 60 lakh tonnes of sugar for the current…

With Centre’s nod, sugar exports will resume

The Food Ministry has allocated a uniform export quota of 18.23% of the three-year average production…

Center extends ban on sugar export till October 31, 2023

Earlier this year till October 31, the import of sugar was banned. (file) New Delhi: The…

India may soon clear sugar exports in two phases from October: Report

India is set to allow sugar exports in two phases for the next season starting in…

Sugar production will increase in the next season

The domestic consumption of sugar is estimated to be around 275 lakh tonnes, with around 80…

India may limit sugar exports next season: Report

India may curb sugar exports in the next season Mumbai: Industry and government sources said on…

Will India rein in the export of rice after wheat and sugar?

The government has no plans to curb rice exports because it has enough stock and local…

Limited to check increase in sugar exports: Government

The central government capped sugar exports at 100 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) with effect from June…

Government bans sugar exports from June 1

Image Source: Pixabay Government bans sugar exports from June 1 Highlight The move is aimed at…