What happens when abdominal pain is caused by excessive gas?

Last Update: February 13, 2023, 18:23 IST Cyclic bloating is usually caused by digestive issues and…

Puffy Eyes: How To Get Rid Of Those Eye Bags – Dermatologist Shares Important Tips

Bags under one’s eyes or puffiness under the eyes – slight swelling – are more than…

To get rid of bloating and indigestion, listen to nutritionist Munmun Ganeriwal

Last Update: January 27, 2023, 19:06 IST Bloating may be mistaken for other more obvious abdominal…

Side Effects of Peanuts: Do you know which people should eat peanuts? if not you will know now

People who are suffering from stomach problems should not even touch it as it causes bloating.…

Thyroid control: 8 benefits of coriander seeds, a boon for thyroid problems

Thyroid Care: A small endocrine gland called the thyroid is found in the neck, just below…

7 foods to keep your digestive system healthy

The digestive system, which runs from the mountain to the rectum, is a complex and elaborate…

Understanding how vaccine response can influence antibody responses

New findings from a meta-analysis published in ‘Nature Immunology’ examine the role of biological mechanisms in…

Woman looking like an ‘unaffected emoji’ after hair coloring goes wrong

A woman from Texas, USA, recently shared her horrific experience of dyeing hair, which caused her…

Suffering from Inflammation? Share experts detail the cause and advice to deal with it

Needless to say, bloating due to heavy meals, spicy foods, or menstruation in women is one…

These measures to prevent gas in the stomach, stomach gas

Gastric problems: such diseases and flatulence. special things more times than average. There is also a…