Watch: Man plays piano, parrot sings perfect harmony, stuns internet

The caption of the video was “Singing Parrot”. Parrots are highly intelligent birds capable of imitating…

Is it possible for people to dig escalators and take stairs? This clip says ‘yes’

A video that went viral recently, depicts the concept of what is being understood as “piano…

You can now cook and play the piano all at once, thanks to this Piano Barbecue Grill

Most of those who enjoy cooking are no strangers to music playing in the background while…

Surprise may be key to ‘Mozart effect’ on epilepsy: study

A Mozart sonata that can calm epileptic brain activity may have its therapeutic power thanks to…

At 83, Ratan Tata hopes to pick up this skill “once again”

Ratan Tata shared a picture in which he is seen playing the piano. Ratan Tata, Honorary…