Is it possible for people to dig escalators and take stairs? This clip says ‘yes’

A video that went viral recently, depicts the concept of what is being understood as “piano stairs”. In the video, a team of people can be seen converting stairs into a piano-like concept so that people can avoid using escalators. The initiative is taken by the team at Fun Factory. According to the website Design of the World, Fun Theory is an initiative backed by Volkswagen and is based on the idea that ‘something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behavior for the better’. At the end of the video, people can be seen using the stairs as it makes a musical sound. Many people seem to be enjoying the idea. Take a look at the video:

Since being uploaded, the video has garnered over 291K views. Several people can be seen retweeting the video. “Amazing. The power of the human mind. Amazing. If we use it for good things,” wrote one person. Describing a personal experience, another wrote, “At airports, most of the time, me and my Mrs. is the only one to use the stairs. Gives a VIP feel.”

“I like the metro because it gets to places quickly! In So Paulo I have always been close to the metro and I got to places in 10 minutes with the metro from 5 to 10 km in 10 minutes!” Another person commented. Here are some reactions:

What do you think of piano stairs?

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