CISCE to incorporate new age technologies in curriculum, IIT Delhi to curate curriculum

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has collaborated with Council of Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)…

Australia-India partnership to nurture global success – Times of India

Australian Trade and Investment Commission has launched SAIEP (Study Australia Industry Immersion Programme) for current Indian…

How PISA can help countries improve their education systems – Times of India

As a person who initiated and oversees the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), Andreas Schleicher,…

ABB increases the number of STEM scholarships for girl students in 3 cities

The number of scholarships for girls pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) courses will double…

Why the future belongs to women coders – Times of India

Ayushi Shah (27) from Mumbai took a course in coding which opened up many job opportunities…

Involving UG students in research will strengthen it – Times of India

Laxmidhar Behera, the newly appointed director of IIT Mandi, says that with advancement in technology there…

Biden plans fresh effort to retain international science and tech students – Times of India

Washington: The Biden administration plans to unveil new steps Friday to retain international students specializing in…

IIT Delhi to guide young girls in STEM – Times of India

STEM mentorship aims to inculcate a passion for science through lecture series by IITians.

IIT Delhi launches STEM mentorship program for schoolgirls

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi Started STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) counseling program for schoolgirls.…

Leading youth to reshape education ecosystem – Times of India

Rethinking and redefining new goals in the education sector is a key agenda for education leaders,…