New strain of monkeypox identified in UK – Times of India

London: A new strain of monkeypox linked to a person with the virus after recent travel…

Monkeypox outbreak: WHO to call emergency meeting amid rise in cases

World Health Organization (WHO) infectious disease epidemiologist; COVID-19 Technical Lead, Emerging Diseases and Zoonoses Lead, WHO…

COVID-19 symptoms to watch out for based on vaccination status. read here

New Delhi The Indian subcontinent has been witnessing a steady decline in the cases of Kovid-19…

England: Study: Covid infection among older adults in England – Times of India

London: Corona virus infection appears to be increasing in older adults EnglandCases remain high despite a…

All Covid legal restrictions in England come to an end – Times of India

LONDON: Anyone testing positive for COVID-19 will no longer be legally obliged to self-isolate, as all…

Covid 19: Covid-19: UK government advisors recommend against fourth dose of vaccine – Times of India

LONDON: UK government advisors recommend not giving a fourth dose of Kovid-19 Vaccination for nursing home…

Omicron: UK PM Boris Johnson hopes ‘riding’ Omicron wave – Times of India

London: British Prime Minister boris johnson recommended to his cabinet on Wednesday that England no need…

UK Lockdown News: Stricter COVID lockdown rules apply in parts of UK. World News – Times of India

LONDON: New strict restrictions have come into force in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland on Sunday…

Strict COVID lockdown rules in place in parts of UK – Times of India

LONDON: New strict restrictions have come into force in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland on Sunday…

UK: Covid self-isolation period reduced from 10 to 7 days – Times of India

LONDON: The self-isolation period for people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in England will be…