Israeli envoy slams UN Charter over Palestine resolution | Watch video

Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan shredded the UN charter before the UN General Assembly just before it…

World may have to live through anarchy to rescue what it lost

The upcoming election will undoubtedly shape the history leading up to it and the history that…

G20 leaders reach consensus on all issues

On the first day of the two-day Leaders’ Summit in the national capital, the declaration or…

crisis in international law

Ukrainian soldiers fire a 2A65 Msta-B howitzer towards Russian troops during Russia’s offensive on Ukraine in…

Brazil also avoids UNSC vote, condemning Russia’s action in Ukraine – Times of India

New Delhi: India has avoided voting overall more than a dozen times United Nations Security Council…

decoding China’s occupation

China may argue that its bridge construction over Pangong Tso is peaceful, but that doesn’t make…

Joe Biden says Russia’s expulsion from UN Human Rights Council is a ‘meaningful move’ by the global community

The resolution ‘Suspension of the Rights to Membership of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights…

UN votes are not black and white

The green, red and yellow buttons on the desks of delegates to the United Nations (UN)…

sovereign equality

The Ukraine crisis has re-started a ‘might is right’ world order, where all are equal but…

Confrontation with Putin, not with Pushkin or the Russian people

Opening a ‘third front’ in the Ukraine war, British Culture, Media and Sport Secretary Nadine Dorries…