Joe Biden says Russia’s expulsion from UN Human Rights Council is a ‘meaningful move’ by the global community

The resolution ‘Suspension of the Rights to Membership of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council’ was adopted with 93 votes in favour, 24 against and 58 votes.

The resolution ‘Suspension of the Rights to Membership of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council’ was adopted with 93 votes in favour, 24 against and 58 votes.

US President Joe Biden has praised it Russia’s suspensionA veto-holding permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) from the world organization’s leading human rights body, saying the international community’s “meaningful move” further demonstrated how President Vladimir Putin’s war has affected his country. An “International pari”.

The 193-member United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) On 7 April, the US voted to adopt a draft resolution on charges of suspending Russia from the Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Russian soldiers kill civilians while retreating from cities near Ukraine’s capital Kyiv,

Proposal ‘Suspension of the Rights of the Russian Federation to Membership in the Human Rights Council’ It was adopted with 93 votes in favour, 24 against and 58 votes. India abstained from voting. Reacting to Russia’s suspension from the UNHRC, US President Mr Biden said: “This is a meaningful move by the international community to show how Vladimir Putin’s war has made Russia an international pariah”.

Mr Biden said the US worked closely with its allies and partners around the world to advance this vote as Russia continues to commit gross and systemic human rights violations. ,Russian military is committing war crimes, Russia has no place in the Human Rights Council. After today’s historic vote, Russia will not be able to participate in the work of the Council or spread its misinformation there as the Council’s Commission of Inquiry investigates Russia’s violations and human rights abuses in Ukraine,” he said.

No permanent member of the UN Security Council has ever revoked its membership from any part of the world body. UNHRC is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world.

given that Photos coming out of Buka And as the withdrawal of Russian troops to other regions of Ukraine is appalling, he said signs of people being raped, tortured, executed – in some cases desecrating their bodies – are a disgrace to our common humanity.

“Russia’s lies are no match for the undeniable evidence of what is happening in Ukraine. Therefore nations of every region condemn Russia’s unprovoked and brutal invasion of Ukraine and the brave people of Ukraine in their fight for independence.” stands by.

Mr Biden said the US would continue to work with responsible countries around the world to hold Russia accountable for atrocities, increase pressure on Russia’s economy and isolate Russia internationally. .

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement “a wrong has been corrected” on Russia’s suspension from the UNHRC. “Today, a wrong has been corrected. The world is sending another clear signal that Russia must immediately and unconditionally stop its actions. war of aggression against ukraine and respect the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter,” Mr Blinken said.

“By suspending Russia from the UN Human Rights Council, countries around the world today hold Moscow responsible for the gross and systematic violations of human rights in its pre-planned, unprovoked and unfair war against Ukraine,” he said.

“We have seen growing evidence of Russia’s brutal disregard for international law and human rights in Ukraine, particularly in the deaths and devastation in communities such as Bucha, Irpin and Mariupol. The atrocities the world has seen are more of war crimes. There appears to be evidence, which serves as another indication that Russia has no place in a body whose primary purpose is to promote respect for human rights,” Mr Blinken said.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield called it a significant and historic moment in her remarks to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council at the emergency special session of the UN General Assembly. “Countries around the world have voted to suspend Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council for gross and systematic violations of human rights. We have collectively sent a strong message that the suffering and suffering of the victims will not be ignored, “He said.

“After all, it’s not just about accountability for Russia. It’s about standing with the people of Ukraine. And it’s about the credibility of the United Nations. Right now, the world is watching us; they’re asking.” They are wondering whether we are a platform for propaganda and a safe haven for human rights abusers – or if we are ready to meet our highest ideals enshrined in the UN Charter. ready to live,” she said.

“The international community has taken a collective step in the right direction,” Thomas-Greenfield said. The Human Rights Council consists of 47 member states, elected directly and personally by secret ballot by a majority of the members of the General Assembly. The General Assembly may, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, “suspend the rights of a member of the Council for membership in the Council for a gross and systematic violation of human rights.”