Virus outbreak in Europe: on the COVID-19 rebound

Vaccines alone will not be able to break the transmission chain and end the pandemic with…

Doctors warn of fresh COVID-19 outbreak if people choose not to get vaccinated

Growing COVID-19 vaccination coverage in India is not enough, warn doctors, who say the cost of…

Delhi government without vaccination. Employees will not be allowed to enter office from October 16: DDMA

All such non-vaccinated employees of the Delhi government, including teachers and frontline staff, will be treated…

Health: France suspends 3,000 illiterate health workers – Times of India

Paris: Thousands health worker across France has been suspended without pay for failing to vaccinate against…

COVID-19 vaccine boosters not most needed, say top FDA and WHO scientists

Covid-19 vaccines work so well that most people don’t need boosters yet, an all-star panel of…