Virus outbreak in Europe: on the COVID-19 rebound

Vaccines alone will not be able to break the transmission chain and end the pandemic

with him Surprising rise in daily fresh coronavirus cases and deaths across much of EuropeThe continent has become the epicenter of the pandemic for the second time since last March. The resurgence in daily new cases that began in early October and was limited to three countries has since spread and is driven by the delta version. Continent reported Nearly two lakh new cases last week, the highest since the pandemic began; More than half of the global COVID-19 deaths this month occurred in Europe. Austria, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Norway have the highest daily cases since the pandemic began; Romania and Ukraine reported record high numbers a few weeks ago. With hospitals filling up rapidly, the WHO predicts there will be extreme stress on hospital beds and intensive care units in many European countries between March and March next year. While vaccination rates are high in most countries in Western Europe – Ireland leads the table with more than 90% of adults fully vaccinated as of early September – vaccination levels in Eastern Europe are relatively low. With France setting an example, many countries are now making it difficult for vaccinated people to travel freely or enter certain public or even workplaces, in an effort to increase vaccine exposure. Can you And in a first, Austria made vaccination mandatory from February the following year and went into a national lockdown for three weeks from 22 November. Austria managed to fully vaccinate about 65% of its eligible population, which is one of the lowest rates in Western Europe. ,

While most of the new daily cases reported are unvaccinated, successful infections and hospitalizations are being reported even in fully immunized cases. However, deaths have mainly occurred in non-vaccinated people. Even though the WHO has called for a moratorium on booster doses by the end of this year so vaccines become available to developing countries, its Europe office has recommended administering booster doses to the most vulnerable populations as a “priority”. – Based on growing evidence of a decline in protection against infection and mild disease among fully vaccinated. As the evidence shows, vaccines alone will be insufficient to break the transmission chain. Unfortunately, most Western countries focused primarily on increasing vaccination coverage, while using simple but highly effective non-pharmaceutical interventions such as universal mask wearing, physical distancing and improved ventilation in confined spaces. One study, which is yet to be reviewed, predicts 0.9 million more hospitalizations and 0.3 million additional deaths in 19 European countries where people have neither been infected nor vaccinated. WHO predicts 0.7 million more deaths in Europe and Central Asia by March 2022. Compliance with public health measures can actually avoid unnecessary infections and deaths.
