The director of the National Institute of Urban Affairs says the urban governance, monitoring model needs to be revisited

NIUA chief says Finance Minister’s emphasis in Budget was on structural reforms rather than operational reforms…

Storm warning of the collapse of a megacity

What urban India needs today is not attractive retrofitted ‘smart’ enclaves, but strong, functional metropolitan cities.…

Health account numbers that require close scrutiny

The reduction in out-of-pocket spending, which the NHA highlights, is essentially due to a drop in…

Shimla, Chandigarh topped in NITI Aayog’s first SDG Urban India Index. full list here

Shimla has topped the first Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) index released by NITI Aayog on Tuesday,…

Covering gaps in the data game

The ‘statistical zero’ in India can be bridged with decentralization and if states build their own…