A Dose of Realism: The Post-COVID-19 Rise Omicron . Feather

Disease prevention with COVID-appropriate behavior and vaccination still needed The head of the World Health Organization…

Budget giving mixed signals on health

While the budget promotes the social determinants of health, there is less than projected growth for…

Coronavirus Live Updates | 95% of India’s adult population given first dose of COVID vaccine, 74% fully vaccinated: Health Ministry

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has extended the COVID-19 guidelines issued under the Disaster Management…

Omicron in community transmission stage in India, major in many metros: INSACOG

So far most omicron cases have been asymptomatic or mild, with hospitalizations and ICU cases increasing…

Coronavirus Live Updates | Daily increase in COVID-19 cases in India highest in 249 days

you can track coronavirus Cases, deaths and testing rates at the national and state levels Here,…

Oxfam report says more than 160 million people were forced into poverty in two years of pandemic

The study showed that the pandemic has pushed gender equality back from 99 years to 135…

Coronavirus Live Updates | 2,58,089 new coronavirus cases reported in India

you can track coronavirus Cases, deaths and testing rates at the national and state levels Here,…

Happy moment for India’s public health system

A year after the launch of the COVID vaccination campaign, take a look at the challenges…

Coronavirus Live Updates | Active COVID-19 cases highest in 225 days

India added 2,71,202 new coronavirus infections, taking the total number of COVID-19 cases to 3,71,22,164, including…

new treatment lines

The phone does not stop ringing in Delhi’s Manipal Hospital. Concerned families of COVID patients are…