Despite surviving a no-confidence vote, Boris Johnson’s future is not secure – Times of India

London: UK PM boris johnson Monday may have escaped a vote of no confidence because of…

Weak in victory: on Boris Johnson winning the no-confidence vote

Boris Johnson survived a no-confidence vote in his party, but faced tough challenges ahead Boris Johnson…

video | Britain’s prime minister escaped from his own party’s trust vote over the Partygate scandal

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson won a trust vote on Monday after his leadership was challenged…

No-confidence vote against Sri Lankan government on cards as opposition says it has numbers in parliament

A disgruntled Sri Lankan parliamentarian, who was fired from the cabinet by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa for…

Pakistan’s parliament will try to vote again to oust PM Imran Khan – Times of India

Islamabad: Pakistan’s parliament will vote on Saturday whether to remove Imran Khan As prime minister, days…

video | “No superpower can set conditions for India”: Imran Khan, facing no-confidence vote

Calling upon the people of the country to protect the sovereignty of the country, Pakistan Prime…

Game for Thrones: On Imran Khan’s attempts to cling to power

Imran Khan’s attempts to cling to power betray his contempt for parliamentary procedures Imran Khan’s attempts…

video | Biggest Stories of April 03, 2022

video | Imran Khan ducks no-trust vote: Political chaos inevitable in Pakistan?

Quite unbelievable political developments in Pakistan – deputy speaker rejects no-confidence motion against Imran Khan, opposition…

Political Crisis of Pakistan: Due to the occurrence of such incident; Know when-

The reasons for the crisis can be bad, because it is an actor who is not…