Watch: You Do Not Have to Stop Eating Rice to Lose Weight, Fitness Coach Busts Weight Loss Myths

When it comes to losing weight, there are many myths about diet that we end up…

Are Starchy Vegetables Bad For You? Don’t Fall For These Common Myths

What do you understand by the word “starch”? Many of us hear this word and tend…

Weight Loss Myths Busted! 6 Foods You Didn’t Know Are Good For You

There are many weight loss myths out there. People are misled by the promise of ‘instant’ results…

Myth or Fact: Are Proteins Better Than Carbs for Weight Loss? expert answer

Weight Loss Tips: Your body needs both protein and carbs to stay healthy. It is commonly…

5 Do’s and Don’ts for your weight loss journey shared by Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar

Weight loss is not an overnight achievement but a journey for which we all strive. Many…

Weight Loss: Is Exercise More Important Than Diet? Expert Disclosure

For a very long time, we’ve been told that exercise is a key component of losing…