Asian Games face ‘prospect’ of postponement, says official More sports news – Times of India

Kuwait City: 2022 asian games China is facing “the prospect” of being postponed, a senior official…

Kicked out: on the suspension of the Russian sports team

The overlap of sport and politics is inevitable as the suspension of Russian teams shows The…

Taiwan’s prime minister wants athlete who wears Chinese suit to be punished

Taiwan’s premier has called on rival China’s team to punish a Taiwanese speed skater for wearing…

Throwback video from 2010 shows ice-skating world champions Davis and White sliding effortlessly over Bollywood numbers

The 2022 Winter Olympics is being held in full swing in Beijing, China, with the closing…

India at Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony: Skier Arif Khan leads the contingent

Skier Arif Khan led a small four-strong Indian contingent during the Winter Olympics opening ceremony here…

Winter is here: On India’s diplomatic boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics

Games in China have acquired political importance both domestically and globally. On the eve of the…

China honors PLA Galwan commander as Winter Olympic torchbearer

Qi Fabao’s selection follows other recent moves by authorities to put the Galwan Valley conflict in…

covid-19 | Omicron scares in Tianjin, China, close to Beijing ahead of Winter Olympics

Tianjin, a municipality that neighboring Beijing, has decided to launch nationwide nucleic acid tests after 20…

US crackdown on Beijing Games an “insult” to Olympic spirit: North Korea

North Korea was suspended from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) until the end of 2022. Seoul:…

IOC assures teams that Winter Olympics in Beijing will go ahead

Image Source: Getty Images Members of the media work during a medal ceremony rehearsal at the…