American universities have an incentive to seem extortionate

The consensus view is that America has a college-affordability crisis and things are getting worse. According…

Just a Late Bloomer Fangirling | Children’s book author looks back on Judy Bloom’s legacy

five minutes to watch judy bloom forever, the new documentary about the beloved American children’s book…

Chinese propaganda abroad is surprisingly effective

“Experts Appreciate the Virtues of China’s Democracy,” read a headline in one of China’s state-owned newspapers…

PM Modi steps in to allow Yale, Oxford, Stanford to hold camps in India

Who will recruit faculty and staff? As per the UGC draft, The local campus of the…

Leadership roles as scientists set new frontier for Indian Americans – Times of India

New Delhi: It is not just high-profile Indian American CEOs of billion-dollar companies. Scientists and researchers…

Scientists revive cells in dead pigs’ organs – Times of India

The pigs had been dead in the lab for an hour. There was no blood circulating…

Florida teen accepted into 27 universities, offered Rs 30 cr in scholarship

With the increasing competition in various fields, nowadays it is becoming difficult for the students to…