Taiwan: Chip engineers: why Taiwan is cracking down on Chinese companies

Taiwan Authorities illegally raid ten Chinese companies on suspicion of poaching chip engineer and other tech talent this week, the island’s Bureau of Investigation said Thursday, the latest crackdown on Chinese firms to protect their piece domination

home to chip maker very big TSMC And accounting for the majority of the world’s most advanced semiconductor manufacturing capacity, Taiwan has launched a campaign to combat poaching by Chinese companies, which the island sees as a threat to its chip expertise.

The bureau said it raided 10 Chinese companies or their R&D centers that operate in Taiwan earlier this week without approval. It said about 70 people have been called in for questioning in a joint operation in several cities, including the capital Taipei and the island’s semiconductor hub, Hsinchu.

“Poaching of Taiwan’s high-tech talent by Chinese companies has severely affected our international competitiveness and put our national security at risk,” the bureau said in a statement.

it said technology important to Taiwan’s security and urged people to “be alert” to such Chinese activities.

The bureau did not name the companies currently being investigated, saying they include integrated circuit design firms and electronics parts manufacturers.

China‘s Taiwan Affairs Office Reuters has not responded to requests for comment on the issue.

A senior bureau official told Reuters last month that the Bureau of Investigation has launched an investigation into nearly 100 Chinese companies suspected of illegally poaching tech talent.

China’s scramble for chip engineering talent has intensified amid Beijing’s goal of achieving self-sufficiency in advanced chips, especially after the trade war with the former Trump administration in the United States.

Taiwanese law restricts Chinese investment in parts of the semiconductor supply chain, including chip design, and requires review for other areas such as chip packaging, making it very difficult for Chinese chip companies to operate on the island legally. Is.

In March, the bureau raided eight Chinese companies with the aim of combating “the Chinese Communist Party’s talent-poaching and covert-theft illegal activities”.
