Taliban Ambassador Deepak Mittal trained with Indian Army in Doha

Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai was previously part of the Taliban’s delegation to the US and China.

New Delhi:

Representatives of the Taliban, who met India’s envoy to Qatar, Ambassador Deepak Mittal in Doha today, trained under the Indian Army in their specialized institutions in the late 1970s and early 1980s. one of the following seven person Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai is a key diplomat of the insurgent group who calls the shots in the terrorist group that recently took power in Afghanistan.

this is the first time India has accepted To make diplomatic contacts with the Taliban.

According to a foreign ministry press release, Ambassador Mittal met Stanikzai, the head of the Taliban’s political office in Qatar. They met at the Indian Embassy in Doha, the statement said.

Stanikzai trained with the Indian Army between 1979 and 1982 – three years at the Army Cadet College, Naogaon, as a jawan and then as an officer at the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun.

He is a rare Taliban leader who is in English language and travels well, especially during his tenure as deputy foreign minister of Afghanistan when the terrorist group controlled that country.

In 1996, He visited Washington DC On a failed mission to convince President Bill Clinton’s administration to accept the Taliban government, according to a Bloomberg report. He also led the Chinese delegation, it said. Stanikzai was also Abdul Hakim Haqqani’s deputy negotiator in his talks with officials of the previous Afghan government.

In today’s talks, India focused on safety, security and speedy return of Indian nationals stranded in Afghanistan. It also raised concerns over the use of Afghan soil for anti-India activities and terrorism.


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