Taliban: US should not interfere in Afghan affairs, says Taliban leader – Times of India

Kabul: Senior Taliban member appointed Afghanistan Government warned on Sunday United States of america Not interfering in the country’s internal affairs, stating that “it is a free country and it is taking decisions independently.”
Tolo News reported that Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanakzai, the deputy minister of foreign affairs for political affairs, pointed to the withdrawal of US forces from Bagram airfield in August and said that “American troops fled Afghanistan in the dark of night.”
He said the country is now independent and the past four months have been a first for Afghanistan in four decades, with Afghans making their own decisions independently, according to local media outlets.
In the aftermath of the fall of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani And this Taliban Taking control of the country in mid-August, most Afghans want to leave the war-torn nation because they fear repercussions from the group as well as the previous Taliban regime.
As the Taliban once again take control of Afghanistan after 20 years, experts also agree that Afghan women may face an uncertain future under the militant group’s rule.
The Afghan economy has been going from bad to worse since the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, and could shrink by 30 percent or more in the coming months, International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned.
According to a report published in Asia Times, ever since the Taliban overthrew the democratically elected government in Afghanistan, the country’s financial situation has been steadily heading towards a complete economic collapse.
