Tanuja, Divyanshi in headlines

Telangana’s K. Tanuja and Divyanshi Mishra of Madhya Pradesh made headlines in the monsoon regatta at Hussain Sagar lake here on Wednesday with winds of up to 24 knots.

Only 14 out of 38 completed a treacherous fourth run in the morning session. According to Suhem Shaikh, president of the Yacht Club of Hyderabad, the rest are retired or barely able to complete a few legs.

However, Tanuja and Divyanshi stole the show with some spirited heavy wind sailing. The girls led the fleet in the final stage, with Tanuja at the top. Divyanshi took the lead with some great planning and reached the last point to consolidate, while Tanuja sent off the water and came fourth.

“It was thrilling to see two girls running ahead of all the boys and Divyanshi winning for a significant portion of the last leg,” Suhem said.

Eklavya and Shashank continue to lead the fleet among the boys. Hrithik Jaiswal of Trishna Sailing Club was in the lead when he broke his helm and had to retire. He is still in third place overall.

In the age group of 11 to 15 years, most of the children were very mild and inexperienced and many had to be rescued.

With 16 entrants the Laser fleet again saw Telangana’s Vaishnavi Veeravamsham leading at the end of race three. The top three are tied in terms of points, with two boys from Goa’s NBSC Navy behind them.

Points position at the end of race four: Girls: 1. Divyanshi Mishra 12, 2. K. Tanuja 16, Shagun Jha 39.

boys: 1. Shashank Batham 5, 2. Eklavya Batham 5, 3. Hrithik Jaiswal 9.

Laser (after three races): 1. Vaishnavi Veeravamsham 4, 2. Sachin Bethsmola 4, 3. V. Mallesh 4.