TCS employees likely to increase salary this year

India’s top IT company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Monday reported a 7% rise in its net profit. 9,926 crore with revenue crossing 50,000 crores figure for the first time. Revenue for the March quarter up nearly 16% from a year ago 50,591 crore.

Dollar revenue for the March quarter rose 14.3% to $6.7 billion in constant currency from a year ago on the back of the highest order book of $11.3 billion total contract value (TCV). TCS Reported its highest ever incremental revenue growth of $3.5 billion and TCV of $34.6 billion for fiscal 2012.

TCS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director (MD) Rajesh Gopinathan said that the IT company has Salary increment According to a report by news agency PTI, FY2012 will see similar wage growth with an upward bias of 6-8% and FY2013.

TCS has added the highest number of employees in a single quarter so far. Of the net addition of 1,03,546, 35,209 were hired in the January-March 2022 quarter. However, despite such a massive workforce, TCS’s IT services dropout rate continued to climb 17.4 per cent. However, the incremental attribution has become ‘moderate’, the company said.

Meanwhile, Gopinathan indicated that the company would be aspiring for double-digit growth in FY12 as well, seeing good growth in FY12, pointing out that the demand environment is very strong and that it will provide There is a strong market acceptance for the services. ,

He said the overall business momentum is positive and the company is optimistic, especially on how it has positioned itself for the future, which includes an ambitious restructuring from April 1.

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