Teacher suspended for making ‘hurtful’ comment on colleague’s social media post

Last Update: 26 July 2022, 12:55 IST

An Urdu teacher in a government primary school in Agra has been suspended for making objectionable remarks on his colleague’s social media post. (Representative photo: Canva)

Mohammad Ahmed had criticized another teacher Tahira Parveen for applying tilak on the forehead of a Hindu officer in Aligarh and posting the picture on social media.

An Urdu teacher in a government primary school in Agra has been suspended for making objectionable remarks on his colleague’s social media post.

The remarks were made last month and the Basic Education Officer (BSA) suspended the teacher on Monday.

Mohammad Ahmed had criticized another teacher Tahira Parveen for applying tilak on the forehead of a Hindu officer in Aligarh and posting the picture on social media. The photo had gone viral.

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According to BSA Satyendra Kumar Dhaka: “An inquiry was conducted and after that it was decided to suspend the teacher.”

Parveen said that she had shared her picture on a WhatsApp group of teachers. Ahmed, one of the group’s members, objected to this and ridiculed him for “practicing Hinduism with pleasure”.

This was followed by a series of negative comments against him.

Parveen said: “Since I was the only female teacher there, I was asked to welcome the new Block Education Officer Satish Chandra Mishra with a tilak on his forehead. There was nothing wrong with that.”

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