Teachers demand revival of old pension scheme in Gujarat. Ahmedabad News – Times of India

AHMEDABAD: The coordination committee of five teachers unions in the state has decided to join the protest started by the state government employees unions demanding restoration of the old pension scheme.
Earlier, the State Primary Teachers Association and the National Teachers Association had also announced their support to the workers’ movement.
The coordination committee has written a letter to the Gujarat State United Employees’ Front and the Gujarat State Employees Union, saying that the teachers’ union will also join their agitation and seek solutions to the various demands of the employees.
Sources said that as part of this agitation, the employees will hold protest rallies in every district of the state on September 3.
There are about 15 outstanding demands of teachers which include restoration of old pension scheme, five-year continuous job tenure for salary upgradation, implementation of 7th Pay Commission benefits and right to transfer grants-in-aid to secondary and higher secondary schools.
Earlier in May, around 1,000 teachers and employees working with government-run primary schools staged a sit-in in Gandhinagar and asked the government to resolve various pending demands.
Earlier in March, various unions of teachers protesting against aided and self-financed schools in the state had threatened to boycott answer sheet evaluation if their pending demands were not addressed. However, due to internal disagreements the Sangh withdrew from its call of protest.