Teen wins coding contest, wins US firm’s offer, loses after age disclosure Nagpur News – Times of India

Nagpur: Vedanta Devkate was browsing Instagram on his mother’s old laptop when he found a link to a website development competition. they entered competitionWrote 2,066 lines of code in two days, and made a dream come true Work with an American company. salary Package: Around Rs 33 lakh annually.
The New Jersey advertising agency wanted Vedanta to join their HRD team to “delegate work and manage other coders”, but they later withdrew their HRD team. offer Upon learning that he was only 15 years old. She was selected from around 1,000 entries from around the world.
Asking them not to despair, the company suggested that Vedanta should complete his education and approach him for the job. “We are impressed by your experience, professionalism and approach,” the firm wrote to Vedanta. “The team enjoyed your presentation and values ​​your insight into our strategy.”
Vedanta developed a website, animeeditor.com, that gives patrons the option to upload videos to YouTube-like videos, including blogs, vlogs, chatbots and a video viewing platform.
“Also, one can edit their profile, be a live follower and get likes,” he said. “I used HTML and Javascript Language and Virtual Studio Code (2022).
He won a gold medal in a science exhibition by designing a radar system model at his school at Narayana E-Techno, Wathoda.
Vedanta’s father Rajesh and mother Ashwini are assistant professors in engineering colleges in Nagpur. They mostly kept Ashwini’s laptop in the locker and mobile phone in the car, fearing that the teenager might miss his studies.
Vedanta said it would search the net for online classes and had attended nearly two dozen tutorial sessions on software development. coding And technology like Python on my mother’s laptop during lockdown. Vedanta worked on this slow and outdated laptop to develop the website – a feat that surprised many.
Rajesh is now thinking of buying a new laptop for them. “We had no clue. It was a call from my son’s school that told us about this job offer,” he said. “Vedanta got an email from the American company and was confused. He told his teachers And they were stunned when it turned out to be authentic. He helped my son write back to the company, telling them he was only 15 and studying in class 10.
Ashwini, a professor of computer science and electronics, said Vedanta would be glued to his laptop – much to his concern – but he had no clue that he was actually working on something productive. “We have always been tough on them, emphasizes the academics. But his teachers and principal (Rani Bhoyar) called me just to say that he is a gifted child,” Rajesh said.